Hepamin Forte
Composition Each 10 ml
Choline chloride 200 mg
Liver Extract 125 mg
Yeast Extract 40 mg
Vitamin B1 2.5 mg
Vitamin B12 0.75 mg
Niacin 24 mg
D.L Panthenol 2.5 mg
Inositol 35 mg
An ideal liver tonic for poultry and large animals.
- Reduces presence of mycotoxin in feed.
- Supports in any stress condition.
- Supportive treatment during antibiotic & deworming treatment.
- Supportive during change of feed.
- Reduces fatty-liver syndrome or other types of liver diseases.
- Increases appetite and maintains production.
- Supports regeneration of liver after use of anthelmintics in cattle.
Dosage & Administration
Poultry: 5-10 ml for 100 broiler & 20 ml for 100 layer in water for every day for 5-7 days.
Cattle-Buffalo: 30 ml per day for 5-7 days.
Calf-Goat: 2-3 ml per day for 3-5 days.
Pack size
1 Litre