Raafes V

Five Organic Acids,
Oregano Essential Oil,
Mannan Oligosaccharide (MOS),
ß Glucan & Special carrier for sustained release properties.

The complete gut acidifier with sustained release properties.


  • Reduces B-value of feed ingredients.
  • Ensures acidification through hydrolysis of feed aids in release & digestion of nutrients.
  • Enhances growth of favourable intestinal micro flora.
  • Potentiates optimal utilization of enzyme throughout gastrointestinal tract.
  • Improves utilization of trace elements due to their chelation.
  • Increases number of cleaner eggs.

Dosage & Administration

Broilers & Layers: 500 gm per ton of feed.
Breeders: 1 kg per ton of feed.

Pack size

25 kg bag.